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- That it is an open and free country, easy to travel around
- The way different cultures have blended together to form the USA, largely synchronising their aspirations in shared patriotism yet still able to celebrate their ethnic roots
- That many of the people are friendly and helpful, with Texas and Louisiana getting a special mention. Getting talking to a stranger in a US bar is never a problem, but just try that in a London pub! 
- The incredible natural scenery to be found across the USA. Alaska and Utah get a special mention here for their natural beauty, also California for its range of scenery.
- beers from microbreweries. When we first visited the US the choice was from a few nationally advertised, tasteless, gassy beers. Now the local brewers are producing some excellent beers
- Quirky advertising gimmicks by the roadside such as giant statues. Sadly these are dying out as national and global brands drive out local businesses
- The National Park Service which makes sure that the key sights in the USA are managed and open to all at reasonable cost
- CNN. Before it came along the news in the US was so inward looking that a major war could have started overseas and you wouldn’t know about it. (Yes this happened, it was called the Falklands War).
- Irritating conformity across the country, for example you know exactly what your waiter is going to do at each point in a meal. Why not try something different for a change? And then there are the cities that are clones of one another, particularly in the Mid West. And why are so many state capitols clones of the Federal capitol?
- Abysmal signposting on roads. You will be amazed by how many signs are positioned behind trees and other obstructions, and you are expected to know the speed limit even if you haven’t passed a sign.
- While much of the food in the US is very good, somewhere along the road they forgot how to make decent cheese. Decent sausages are also quite rare.
- On the political front the high level of inequality in the USA, in some parts of the USA exacerbated by residual racism, while the poorest people of the richest country in the world  have to endure third class healthcare.
Our View
We like 5
But not 5

USA Regions

usaRegionsMap4.1Midatlantic USAWestern USA


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